The Lion Shepherd

14/52 - The Lion Sleeps Tonight

I once heard someone joke, “Don’t tell me God’s a shepherd. Do you know what shepherds do?  They kill and eat sheep!  You can read it in the Bible!”  I thought it was funny, because on occasion all I’ve wanted to do was turn certain stubborn  dairy cows into a steak.

If you ever do spend some time around farmers you’ll observe that they are some of the toughest people on the planet.  On certain occasions, especially when their animals are sick, they can also be some of the most tender and gentle people on the planet.  But, like David, are prepared to take violent physical means to protect their flock.  I’ve even spent a couple of summers driving around back pastures with a rifle hunting coyotes.  But that’s not how what I think of first when I think of farmers.  I think of their great patience, gentleness and care for living things.

That’s probably a good image of God to have too.  Sure, like most farmers I’ve worked more, he could beat the tar out of me six ways from Sunday, but he’s the tender shepherd who cares for his people.

Maybe that’s how God wants us to think of him, not as a tough guy standing over us ready to beat the heck out of us if we screw up, but rather as the loving father who carefully controls his power and might to care for and protect us with great tenderness.

Kinda like a lion who is completely capable of tearing the sheep apart but instead, uses it’s power to protect and care for those sheep.

One response to “The Lion Shepherd

  1. Great Post!

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