Daily Archives: January 10, 2011

A Personal Note – Idea Virus

I have two thoughts: First, I’m convinced blogs are not just here to stay, but that for the foreseeable future, they are the best way to spread ideas.  My second thought then is “What should I do with mine?”

This summer watching Inception I couldn’t get over the quote about ideas, “What’s the most resilient parasite? An idea. A single idea from the human mind can build cities. An idea can transform the world and rewrite all the rules.”

Ideas are why I started this blog.  I wanted to have a place to spread ideas, particularly about the church and issues of faith.  My goal was to drive people to see things they see everyday as strange.  I want to provoke questioning.

I want to make people uncomfortable.

And I want people to grow deeper in how they think, especially about issues of faith, hence the title.

I currently have four book ideas that I desperately want to write and get published because I think I have enough ideas to challenge readers. But books are on their way out, and here I can publish ideas instantly and have them read by you, my readers. Seth Godin, in fact, has given up on publishing books.

So I’m fairly convinced that the blog is where it’s at.  In fact, I’ve been considering buying a domain name, starting a second blog and all sorts of crazy ideas.  The question is, what to change and what is still working?

Would more people read my blog if I had frequent updates instead of carefully thought-out longer articles?  The truth is I’m not short on ideas, but so few of them make it to the blog because I put too much pressure on myself to be complete in my articles.

So, I’m toying with just putting my ideas out there and writing every time I have a thought that inspires me.  Maybe that means you will miss some of the ideas because there will be too many, but maybe, if I’m really concerned with the spread of ideas, I should just be focused on getting them out there and not worrying that you might possibly miss one of my profound articles-ha!

But I think that’s the whole idea of blogs – to get it out there and hope some one will read it.   What are your thoughts?