Monthly Archives: January 2012

The Lies I’ve Been S/Told

English: Logo from the Fox television program ...

There are certain lies that we’ve all been told and sold, that the right toothpaste will make you more confident because you’ll have a better smile, this brand’s clothes will put you a cut above the rest, etc. My concern is that there might be similar lies sold/told in the church.

If there are, they could be far more insidious and malevolent because they’re repeated by leaders and defended by scripture. There’s also the concern that we tell ourselves certain things because it’s easier to believe than the truth. The classic example is abuse victims. Sadly, it’s usually more difficult to convince them that the person who beats them will hurt them again than it is for them to believe that they can escape or that their life will go on without that person. They will often maintain relationships with an abusive partner even to the detriment of their children, their friends and themselves.

But the lie that they believe, that this person loves them and won’t hurt them again, is harder to face than the truth: That they have been violently hurt by the very person they love the most.

Jesus said that if you know the truth, the truth will set you free. (Jn. 8:32)

But sometimes we’re afraid that the truth will really be worse than the lie we believe.

And sometimes the truth is hard.

But sometimes (and it’s more likely) that the truth…

…will set you free.

 There’s more at stake here than just your opinion; anything you hold to be true about God is going to affect your relationship with God and what you tell others about him.

And if there are lies that are passed around as good Christian doctrine, then not only might it be freeing to know the truth, but it could be life changing.

The question is, are there any lies that you’ve been sold by the church?

And if there are, what are they?

And can you imagine your life freed from these lies?

Welcome to “The Lies I’ve Been S/Told.”